
Historical Prices


1. Search criteria

If you are not logged in, this provides information of the last two NAVs.

Only Premium Access Users with a subscription can obtain historical information.

The list of currencies corresponds to the currencies available for the share class.

2. Search results

  • The abbreviated table headings stand for:

# Share Out. = Number of outstanding shares
TNA Share = Total net assets at the share level
TNA Sub-fund = Total net assets at the sub-fund level
AKG = AktienGewinn
AKG2 = AktienGewinn 2
ZWG/IP = Zwischengewinn
Imm. = Immobiliengewinn

  • The NAV column contains the latest NAV supplied by the relevant fund administration.
  • If you wish to know the reference currency, please refer to the “Security information” frame located on the “Security information” tab.
  • If no NAV is available, the symbol "/" and the subscription and/or redemption values appear in the field.
  • 4 situations are then possible:

    1. "Subscription value / redemption value":
        example: "234/232"
    2. "Subscription value /" only the subscription value is available:
        example: "234/"
    3. "/redemption value" only the redemption value is available:
        example: "/232"
    4. No value available, dash only "-"
  • TIS: Taxable income per share. It is the portion of interest income in the NAV on each NAV calculation
  • The principle of the "Aktiengewinn" applies only to the institutional investors.
The "Aktiengewinn" is determinated on the basis of incomes generated by the shares and allows the institutional investors to benefit from a tax exemption on these incomes.
It is expressed as a percentage.
    • The "Zwischengewinn" must be provided as from January 1st, 2005 for all the funds distributed in Germany.
  • The purpose of the Zwischengewinn is to tax the German investors on the component interests of the NAV.

    It is an amount expressed in value per share, which may be negative and changes on each NAV calculation.