General information Share class dividend policy | Accumulation | Accounting currency | USD | Legal structure | Other fund | Legal status | - | Fund creation date | 08/04/2010 | Fund launch date | 07/10/2010 | Fund end date | - | Sub-fund creation date | 08/04/2010 | Sub-fund launch date | - | Sub-fund end date | - | Share class/unit creation date | 07/10/2010 | Share class/unit launch date | - | Share class end date | - | Promoter(s) | J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd (GB) | Management company | - | Asset manager (UCI) | J.P. Morgan Mansart Investments (FR) | Fund tree | |
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| Countries of distribution Country of jurisdiction | IE | Countries of distribution | - |
| | Classification Umbrella funds | Initial subscription period | UCITS funds |
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