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LU1196268541   (LF) Special Purpose Best Performers VI Fd Interamic Cap  anticipated creation
General information
Share class dividend policyAccumulation
Accounting currencyEUR
Legal structureCommon fund
Legal status-
Fund creation date18/09/2006
Fund launch date18/09/2006
Fund end date-
Sub-fund creation date16/03/2015
Sub-fund launch date16/03/2015
Sub-fund end date-
Share class/unit creation date-
Share class/unit launch date-
Share class end date-
Eurobank Fund Mgt Cie (Lux) SA (LU)
Management company
Eurobank Fund Mgt Cie (Lux) SA (LU)
Asset manager (UCI)
Eurobank AMMutual Fund Mgt C. S.A. (GR)
Fund tree
Countries of distribution
Country of jurisdictionLU
Countries of distribution-
ALFI member
Umbrella funds
Initial subscription period
UCITS funds