

Fundsquare News

Fundsquare News is our newsletter for news and information on products and services.


September 2015

Fundsquare News N°23 - September 2015: Update on regulatory reporting – Publication of compilations of Luxembourg fund laws – FinTech and fund industry efficiencies – The month in the European fund industry – August statistics


July 2015

Fundsquare News N°22 - July 2015: 155 days to Solvency II – The month in the European fund industry – June statistics


June 2015

Fundsquare News N°21 - June 2015: Europe’s fund expenses at a crossroads: The benefits of mutualizing the cost of distribution. – European fund industry news in June – May statistics


May 2015

Fundsquare News N°20 - May 2015: FinTech and investment funds, the way forward – European fund industry news in May – April statistics


April 2015

Fundsquare News N°19 - April 2015: Onboarding for FATCA reporting has begun – Fundsquare has implemented a SOC 2 framework – April fund industry news – March statistics


March 2015

Fundsquare News N°18 - March 2015: Solvency II, prepare now for Pillar 3 reporting – How Luxembourg is adapting to revolutionary changes in fund distribution – March fund industry news – February statistics


February 2015

Fundsquare News N°17 - February 2015: Time for a market infrastructure and towards an improved fund distribution environment – Fund industry news – January statistics


January 2015

Fundsquare News N°16 - Janaury 2015: From the CEO: a look back at 2014 – Meeting the challenges of cross-border distribution in 2015 – Fund industry news – December statistics


December 2014

Fundsquare News N°15 - December 2014: Transmissions of FATCA reporting in 2015 – Fund industry news review – November statistics


November 2014

Fundsquare News N°14 - November 2014: Silverfinch and Fundsquare partner for Solvency II look-through‏ – ‏Fundsquare signs partnership agreement with Numen – Fund industry news review – October statistics


September/October 2014

Fundsquare News N°13 - September/October 2014: Fundsquare and Confluence to cooperate on AIFMD transparency reporting‏ – Fund industry news roundup – August/September statistics


July 2014


Fundsquare News N°12 - July 2014: Our first twelve months – meeting the challenges of Solvency II – the month's fund industry news – June statistics


June 2014

Fundsquare News N°11 - June 2014: Fax dealing solution to be launched – fund industry news in June – May statistics


May 2014

Fundsquare News N°10 - May 2014: Keep control of your fund information universe with self-servicing – fund industry news in May – April statistics


April 2014

Fundsquare News N°9 - April 2014:  Word from the CEO: Time for a centralised KYC solution for investment funds – collaborating with AIFMD reporting specialists – fund industry news in April – March statistics


March 2014

Fundsquare News N°8 - March 2014:  Increasing numbers for order management services – first AIFMD passporting request – fund industry news in March – February statistics


February 2014

Fundsquare News N°7 - February 2014: Phase 2 of the Fundsquare infrastructure, cash settlement facilitation – February fund industry news – January statistics


January 2014

Fundsquare News N°6 - January 2014: Final integration of Finesti website – January fund news – December statistics


December 2013

Fundsquare News N°5 - December 2013: From the CEO – We are moving! – European fund news – November statistics


November 2013

Fundsquare News N°4 - November 2013


October 2013

Fundsquare News N°3 - October 2013


September 2013

Fundsquare News N°2 - September 2013


July 2013

Fundsquare News N°1 - July 2013