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IE0032149506   Baring Emerging Markets Umbrella Gl Em Mkts GBP DIS  
General information
Share class dividend policyIncome
Accounting currencyUSD
Legal structureOther fund
Legal status-
Fund creation date22/02/1992
Fund launch date22/02/1992
Fund end date-
Sub-fund creation date23/02/1992
Sub-fund launch date23/02/1992
Sub-fund end date-
Share class/unit creation date29/10/2002
Share class/unit launch date29/10/2002
Share class end date-
Baring Asset Management Ltd (GB)
Management company
Baring Intl Fd Mgs (Ireland) Ld (IE)
Asset manager (UCI)-
Fund tree
Countries of distribution
Country of jurisdictionIE
Countries of distribution-
Umbrella funds
UCITS funds